Music from worship services

This page contains some songs clipped from previous worship services or songs we’ve recorded and mixed for a service. This is just another resource you may decide to use while we cannot meet in person.

Contact Ben Hochstedler or Steve Johnson-Evers if you would like another song added and you can find it in the Song tracker and the online recordings.




VT6 Let’s Walk Together

This combination of songs is sung in the following order:

  1. What Child Is This, v1

  2. Helpless and Hungry, v1

  3. What Child Is This, v2 + Helpless and Hungry v2

  4. What Child Is This, v3 + Helpless and Hungry v3

VT 778 is not performed by MMC.

VT 841 As you go out from here

The following are songs written by Connie Johnson-Evers. You can find a PDF song sheet in the MMC Google Drive Church music - Connie folder.